Monday, December 8, 2014

The Agency

In advertising, the Publisher and Advertiser are two critical companies but another critical company is the Agency.  An advertising agency is typically hired by Advertisers to provide expertise and services that many Advertisers are not equipped to handle themselves.  There are many different types of ad agencies and how each Advertiser leverages an agency varies.

Ad agencies can provide an outside viewpoint to help sell the Advertiser's products or services.  To do so, they can provide marketing strategies, branding strategies, sales promotions, produce commercials for TV and radio, online advertising, and more.  There are a lot of different types of agencies which we won't enumerate here.

For now, we will focus on media agencies which help buy the media for the Advertiser.  Media is basically the ad inventory available whether on TV, radio, a publisher's website, in a mobile app, etc.  For AdTech, the media typically bought is online ads.

A lot more can be written about agencies but we'll stop here and move on to Ad Networks in our next post.